The Easter World was PVP and PVE, due to a minigame that includes PVP. Players could use private servers, but for minigames to start, at least 3 players were needed in the server. However, eggs would still spawn on the ground every 10 minutes regardless.
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The 2021 Easter Eggs look very similar to the Easter Eggs from the previous 2020 Easter Event 2020, both having vibrant colors. Just like the previous event, both the Skyrix and the Aranga are obtainable from the Easter Eggs. These eggs will spawn in every 15 minutes on public servers, and 22.5 minutes on private servers. The 2021 Easter Egg can also be spawned in by using 200 Carrot Cake. To find the egg once it spawns, there will be three light rays shooting up into the sky then one single blue light ray will come down onto where the egg is for a short period of time (note: the blue ray doesn't point directly to the egg, just to its general area. You may need to work outwards from the area where the blue ray pointed to so you can find the egg.). This feature, the rays of light, will only be present if someone has spawn an egg using carrot cakes and will not apply to the server spawning one. This means there will be no guidance to where the egg is if the server spawns one.
Tip: If you fly right over the egg you will hear a faint DING if you are high up you will not hear this. Easter Eggs take an hour to hatch in a normal incubator, but in the premium incubators, it only takes 45 minutes, The easter eggs spawn randomly in the server.
Please be aware that the message of the calendar egg spawning in chat does NOT always appear in VIP servers. The message will appear briefly on your screen, but will sometimes NOT be in chat. Beware, you can easily miss the message. If you're in a VIP server and think you might have missed the message, wait about 10 minutes from when you joined the game and begin hunting from there.
It spawns in Grassland every 5 minutes in a public server, and 7.5 minutes in a private server. When the egg spawns in, a message will pop up that says that an Egg of Nature has spawned in the world. If the egg has been found, a message will be sent out claiming that a player has found one.
It spawns in Jungle every 5 minutes in a public server, and 7.5 minutes in a private server. When the egg spawns in, a message will pop up that says that an Egg of Danger has spawned in the world. If the egg has been found, a message will be sent out claiming that a player has found one.
It spawns in Volcano every 5 minutes in a public server, and 7.5 minutes in a private server. When the egg spawns in, a message will pop up that says that an Egg of Chaos has spawned in the world. If the egg has been found, a message will be sent out claiming that a player has found one.
It spawns in Tundra every 5 minutes in a public server, and 7.5 minutes in a private server. When the egg spawns in, a message will pop up that says that an Egg of Mystery has spawned in the world. If the egg has been found, a message will be sent out claiming that a player has found one.
It spawns in Ocean every 5 minutes in a public server, and 7.5 minutes in a private server. When the egg spawns in, a message will pop up that says that an Egg of Serenity has spawned in the world. If the egg has been found, a message will be sent out claiming that a player has found one.
It spawns in Desert every 5 minutes in a public server, and 7.5 minutes in a private server. When the egg spawns in, a message will pop up that says that an Egg of Eternity has spawned in the world. If the egg has been found, a message will be sent out claiming that a player has found one.
It spawns in Fantasy every 5 minutes in a public server, and 7.5 minutes in a private server. When the egg spawns in, a message will pop up that says that an Egg of Beauty has spawned in the world. If the egg has been found, a message will be sent out claiming that a player has found one.
It spawns in Wasteland every 5 minutes in a public server, and 7.5 minutes in a private server. When the egg spawns in, a message will pop up that says that an Egg of Oblivion has spawned in the world. If the egg has been found, a message will be sent out claiming that a player has found one.
It spawns in Prehistoric every 5 minutes in a public server, and 7.5 minutes in a private server. When the egg spawns in, a message will pop up that says that an Egg of History has spawned in the world. If the egg has been found, a message will be sent out claiming that a player has found one.
It spawns in Grassland every 5 minutes in a public server, and 7.5 minutes in a private server. When the egg spawns in, a message will pop up that says that an Egg of Memories has spawned in the world. If the egg has been found, a message will be sent out claiming that a player has found one.
It spawns in Jungle every 5 minutes in a public server, and 7.5 minutes in a private server. When the egg spawns in, a message will pop up that says that an Egg of Ancients has spawned in the world. If the egg has been found, a message will be sent out claiming that a player has found one.
It spawns in Volcano every 5 minutes in a public server, and 7.5 minutes in a private server. When the egg spawns in, a message will pop up that says that an Egg of Destruction has spawned in the world. If the egg has been found, a message will be sent out claiming that a player has found one.
It spawns in Tundra every 5 minutes in a public server, and 7.5 minutes in a private server. When the egg spawns in, a message will pop up that says that an Egg of Brilliance has spawned in the world. If the egg has been found, a message will be sent out claiming that a player has found one.
It spawns in Fantasy every 5 minutes in a public server, and 7.5 minutes in a private server. When the egg spawns in, a message will pop up that says that an Egg of Peace has spawned in the world. If the egg has been found, a message will be sent out claiming that a player has found one.
There were several minigames that could be played to win rewards such as coins, potions, sun oranges, revives, and more. However, there had to be at least 3-4 people in the server for the minigames to start.
Dio has three abilities; Timestop (Za Warudo) that freezes all players and he can move around in frozen time for 5 seconds. WRYYY strike, which his stand deals a heavy barrage to a player and sends them flying back...and finally ROAD ROLLAAAAA, which he freezes time for 8 seconds and summons a massive Road Roller and launches it at players while he barrages them with kicks on top dealing HUGE damage.
If you have 2 of the same pokemon and haven't used any another pokemon for a straight real-life day(it only counts time online, you can go offline and the timer won't be reset), you can go to this new area called the cave and get a mega stone, one of your pokemon will be removed as they are the same pokemon and your pokemon will be able to mega evolve (press v to activate). This will triple the damage of the evolved pokemon' normal attacks and will give it a super attack that does insane damage and is activated by pressing c. The mega evolution only lasts for 3 minutes and has a cooldown of 1.5 mins that starts when the mega evolution runs out. The cooldown can be skipped if you change/leave servers or die.
Buying both the VIP tag and a VIP server should grant a bit more perks. Maybe have chikara per minute be increasing by 5 every class. Start out with 5, then when you get fighter i goes to 10, etc. Maybe have more exclusive weapons/effects VIP can do. As for VIP servers, maybe summon people to you, instead of you going to them. Maybe have a kill log or have invincibility. Also allow quests to work in VIP servers.
Purple lightning is EXTREMELY hard to get struck by and to appear on the map. Purple lightning gives you a 1.5x boost on all stats (for training) and increases champion auto training stats by 10%. You also will have a increased damage output on all specials (increased by 10% damage). Again, you will have lightning bolts surrounding you but in a purple aura that leaves a trail behind. This lightning has a 0.98/100 chance of getting struck. This type of weather is disabled in VIP servers (maybe). All abilities last for a day.
Aurora Borealis is a relatively hard to find weather because of it's advantage to an entire server. Aurora Borealis ONLY appears at night, and has a 2.5/100 chance of being seen. Why? Because if it appears, your entire server gets a 2.5x boost on only chakra. This effect lasts for 15 hours in a public server. This weather can appear in VIP servers and will have the same boost but lasts longer (18 hours). A pretty hard-to get weather but with great results.
You know how sometimes when you go to a VIP server and you have no one using flashy attacks, no one wanting to just fight and grind? Yeah, you might feel bored. Might not happen to you, but happens to me a other people. So, how about programmed Npc's looking for a fight? This is my fan idea of what lurking Npcs, good or bad, should be added. This can be turned on and off in servers. You can use your true damage too, so a 30k noob serious punching a boss will not do the same damage as a 3qd using serious punch.
A vampire will start out in the first night of the server when that server has begun existing. These vampires will have 1000 hp in the first night, improving by 1 digit upwards. Vampires will have mainly close range moves and come at you with punches similar to gatling punch. What will be interesting, however is that there will be a bloodsuck that deals 5000 damage and heals them to 70% health, the bloodsuck dealing 5 times more damage than that of the gatling punch when it all hits. The bloodsuck will stun you for about 3 seconds. The vampires cannot fly, but they will have 180 jump power. and they can pile on top of each other if the opponent is too high. Vampires only have 2 moves. They have a 60% chance that it will be vampires, among others that will spawn at night. If the player dies from the vampire horde, the vampires will ignore you and allow you to train safely, unless you get killed. if all players die, then it will simply be day time for double the time it was previously, that does not stack. 041b061a72