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492k, USB, LabView 8.2- This XView software is based on LabView 8.2. It automates the data collection and reporting for the ENERGY STAR Program Requirements for Consumer Audio and DVD products. The zip file also includes the ENERGY STAR requirements document. 02 July 2007
Mti 4.0 Charting Software Free 55
281k, USB, LabView 8.2- This XView software is based on LabView 8.2. It automates the data collection and reporting for the ENERGY STAR Program Requirements for single-voltage, external AC/DC and AC/AC power supplies.
*At the end of your FREE 45 day trial of QT Enterprise software, you must purchase a Software License Key for the appropriate products the software is being used with. See ordering information or contact Vitrek for details at (858) 689-2755.
* This was written in C for DOS computers. It logs the output of a 2000 display to a file. Note: The RS232 routines were provided by Bri Productions serial port communications software CPORT. All Rights Reserved.
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Identify separate shop rates for each manufacturing process using Shop Rate Calculator. While manual calculation methods can identify unique shop rates, MTI Systems offers this free Shop Rate Calculator software to help manufacturers be more competitive.
Costimator is a time-saving software that helps you calculate accurate labor time requirements for your production process. However, it comes with an arsenal of powerful feature calculators you are going to find very valuable. Above all, this makes it easy to determine which machine tool, cutting speed, machining strategy or production method is best for the job.
You are going to be excited to learn that this software comes with over 20 databases! Therefore, enables estimators quickly access the data to greatly improve the speed, accuracy and consistency of their quotes.
The software contains hundreds of pre-built and industry validated cost models that help estimators. Therefore, you will discover how to quickly and accurately calculate set-up and cycle times with the highest degree of consistency.
Costimator cost estimating software is specifically designed for machine shops and sheet metal fabricators. You will discover how it is helping them deliver accurate quotes quickly, thus, leading to more profitable jobs.
Manufacturing is more competitive than ever before. By automating the estimating processes with Costimator you can get a competitive edge on your competitors and thus crushing the estimating software misconceptions.
Costimator provides customizable estimation solutions for any size company. Because of Costimator, you still have access to an out-of-the-box solution with built-in cost models and starting points for estimating your parts without spending additional money on other expensive software packages.
To generate accurate numbers, it requires some shop specific parameters be entered or available to calibrate to. Therefore, with a database driven estimating software, you now have the opportunity to create accurate estimates consistently, and quickly.
The main benefits of utilizing cost estimating software are increased speed, accuracy and consistency of estimates. These benefits are achieved, in large part, through the use of standardized, formula-driven methods of calculating labor and machine cycle times (rather than relying solely on the opinion, or experience, of an estimator). The accuracy of a quote generated by estimating software is highly dependent on the back-end data and formulas that produce the results. If the raw data imported into the cost estimating software is garbage, a garbage estimate is what you can expect to receive in return.
Not every laser machine has the same characteristics or cut-rate capabilities. In order for any costing software to generate an accurate cycle time calculation, it first needs to be loaded with the cuts rates associated with the particular laser machine(s) that your shop owns.
A cost estimating software investment has many additional features that is designed to increase the speed, accuracy and consistency of the entire estimating and quoting process. Most systems have tools to accurately calculate raw material usage and costs. Some of the more powerful cost estimating software on the market today enables users to open, capture and utilize feature and dimensional data found within a 3D CAD model, which greatly reduces the amount of manual data entry required to produce an estimate, dramatically speeding up the estimating process. In addition, the more advanced databasedriven systems allow you to mass import data (raw material pricing, work center shop rates, etc.) into the databases as well as export the estimate data out of them, in order to create custom reports and links with other software tools, such as ERP/MRP.
For companies who are burdened with an estimating/quoting process that is slow and at times inaccurate, not having cost estimating software to rely on can be extremely costly. With competition amongst manufacturers heating up like never before, now might be a good time to see if this type of software can give your company the competitive advantage it deserves.
A database driven estimating software program enables sheet metal, fabrication, and machine shops to take some of that extracted knowledge from their most experienced personnel, and put it into a database. Not all of their experience can be withdrawn, but after implementing, your company can rely on a standardized tool and not on a person. An estimating software will be bring many benefits to your organization, including the following:
MTI Systems provides cost estimating software and estimation services for the manufacturing industry, serving both suppliers and OEMs. For more information on Costimator and MTI Systems, contact MTI Systems, 1111 Elm Street, Suite 6, West Springfield, MA 01089; Phone 413-733-1972
An alternative approach is the randomization model, in which the implemented randomization itself forms the basis for statistical inference [10]. Under the null hypothesis of the equality of treatment effects, individual outcomes (which are regarded as not influenced by random variation, i.e. are considered as fixed) are not affected by treatment. Treatment assignments are permuted in all possible ways consistent with the randomization procedure actually used in the trial. The randomization-based p-value is the sum of null probabilities of the treatment assignment permutations in the reference set that yield the test statistic values greater than or equal to the experimental value. A randomization-based test can be a useful supportive analysis, free of assumptions of parametric tests and protective against spurious significant results that may be caused by temporal trends [14, 22].
Overall, there should be a well-thought plan capturing the key questions to be answered, the strategy to address them, the choice of statistical software for simulation and visualization of the results, and other relevant details.
T1: Two-sample t-test: The test statistic is \(t=\frac\overlineY _E-\overlineY _C\sqrtS_p^2\left(\frac1N_E\left(n\right)+\frac1N_C\left(n\right)\right)\), where \(\overlineY _E=\frac1N_E\left(n\right)\sum _i=1^n\delta _iY_i\) and \(\overlineY _C=\frac1N_C\left(n\right)\sum _i=1^n(1-\delta _i)Y_i\) are the treatment sample means, \(N_E\left(n\right)=\sum _i=1^n\delta _i\) and \(N_C\left(n\right)=n-N_E\left(n\right)\) are the observed group sample sizes, and \(S_p^2\) is a pooled estimate of variance, where \(S_p^2=\frac1n-2\left(\sum _i=1^n\delta _i\left(Y_i-\overlineY _E\right)^2+\sum _i=1^n(1-\delta _i)\left(Y_i-\overlineY _C\right)^2\right)\). Then \(H_0:\Delta =0\) is rejected at level \(\alpha\), if \(\leftt\right>t_1-\frac\alpha 2, n-2\), the 100(\(1-\frac\alpha 2\))th percentile of the t-distribution with \(n-2\) degrees of freedom.